The scholar collar is done. These are not particularly effective pictures of the scholar's collar, perhaps - inspired by brooklyntweed, but it was as good as I could get - with time and light limitations. (namely: if it didn't get done this morning; it wasn't getting done!)
Oooh. . . . how very exciting.
I do like it; the yarn I chose (a fingering weight mercerized cotton) is perhaps a bit too floppy, but I don't like heavy stuff around my neck and I liked the cleanness of the texture. It looks good under a jacket or blazer, it's a bit 'rag-like', however, on its own.
And I just love those buttons! They're silly.
Here's a couple of different views of the scholar collar.

Length was 32 inches, with button holes placed at 25.5 inches. I draped the scarf around my neck and adjusted it and then marked button location based on that.
Width is 7 inches.
I think the rib and welt pattern really works nicely (and it's the same on both sides). It appears I might be branded heretical to say this. . . . but: I don't much care for garter stitch. Sorry! There seems to be a whole community out there that thinks it's just the rage. . . . The only thing I would like about it is that it doesn't require purling. And that's saying quite a bit. But then it seems all good things require regular 'backside' rows involving purling. . . . So there you have it.

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