three days left.
the headache is FINALLY gone - for now.
I have: intro & conclusion to write, chapter 4 re-write to finish, chapter 5 re-write, title selection, and then fun and games with pagination, table of contents, and printing.
Then personal hand-off to friend leaving for Dublin on Friday - including taking him to airport.
Then: collapse.
I predict: serious fall in standards ensuing almost immediately.
Second: loss of extra four pounds plus another 4 as my throat closed yesterday.
Finally: serious sleep deprivation (as if I could sleep!), but I just hope that my mind stays with me. More important than the mind is my source. . . . Father please don't leave me. You got me into this! I know you will sustain me. The part of the 'acknowledgements' that made me cry yesterday was when I realized I had not acknowledged God. . . . and the words of Jude came to mind, which is how I was able to incorporate thanks to God in a way that I hoped would not make the academics nervous:
To Him who is able to keep me from falling and to present me before His glorious presence without fault and with great joy - to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.Although it undoubtedly will still make them nervous, in spite of the fact that this is theology. . . .and - hey! - Scripture. That shouldn't be too scary, eh?
Facing the intro/conclusion again today. Oh help.
You can do it! I'm rooting for you!
Keep it up! You're almost there!
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