OK - we're still at minus 6, but the countdown has resumed. Today is the proper minus 6.
I'm worried about my MacBook. . . . It's still not well after the incident with the cat and the water. I don't have time to take it in for a check up and battery replacement.
But today it conked out - no warning. And now the screen periodically fades at bit - kind of like an electrical brown-out.
Please, please, please hold on! You can take a break on Friday. I'll take you to the Mac store and they will tend to you and lavish lovely Mac-ey things upon you! Oh please stay with me here. . . . .
Meanwhile, the Navy game is in full swing. I can hear the crowd cheering and the public address system when the wind is just right. Also, the band. . . . and I know, for example, that they started the game with a recording of Top Gun's Highway to the Danger Zone - right after we got strafed by the Blue Angels.
Excitement city, eh?
It's homecoming.
I, however, am upstairs on the bed, windows open and the laptop on my lap. I have discovered two things: one, legal logic is not the same thing as philosophical logic and two, there's a small but developing dialogue going on about legal logic and artificial intelligence. (I'm sure they don't mean thereby to impugn the intelligence of judges or lawyers. . . .)
There is no time to go into this, but I wish I had known about it. What I think is funny is that I've actually read Fuzzy Logic and material on game theory and Nash's Equilibrium, so I've been working this mathematical connection independently, somehow, altho I was not sure how it fit.
It's a beautiful day. Wonderful cool breeze. I feel like I'm in prison. I'm wearing down. I can't wait for this to be over. I can't stand that there's not more time. It's a strange, strange time for me. It's coming together, but it feels like it's coming apart. I finally feel like I'm getting the hang of this, but almost too late.
Well - I don't want to talk about it any more. We're almost done here, and I'll keep posting, but I don't expect I'll be much fun these days.
Prophet, thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog a couple times. I completed my disseration and defended in 1992, over 15 years ago. It seemed very big at the time, but in retrospect it was only preparing me for what was to come later--freedom and the self-knowledge of who I really was. Which is not a pile of paper or set of ideas, but a unique human being capable of anything my imagination could dream up. Follow your passion. Sixtyminuteartist.
I'll keep my fingers crossed that the Macbook survives!
thanks. . . .
better today. grin!
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