I gave the link yesterday, but I'll do it again: My friend Nonessential Equipment posted a list of her favorite 10 books here and I've been meaning to think that through for myself, as well.
One I share with her is Anne of Green Gables (the whole series, actually - with Anne of the Island maybe my favorite - or maybe only my favorite right now, because that's the one I feel like re-reading right now. . . .).
OK. So top 10 in no particular order:
Anne of Green Gables
Canopus in Argos (Doris Lessing)
Razor's Edge (Somerset Maugham)
Austen. . . . ALL of 'em! (or most of them, I'm not that crazy about Northanger Abbey): Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion, Mansfield Park, Sense and Sensibility.
Man - that would be 7 already if I count them all! Ok - just count Austen as 1.
My Name is Asher Lev (Chaim Potok) (and 'Gift of Asher Lev' - but I won't count that as 2, either. . . .)
The Little Prince
Fugitive Pieces (Anne Michaels)
Dune (Frank Herbert)
The Flamenco Club (Sarah - Bird, I think it is)
And speaking of birds, Bird by Bird (Anne Lamott)
For today, anyway.
I need to do this list! I love The Little Prince and everything else by him. St. Exuperey's aviation writing is some of the best. Too lazy to check spelling. I introduced him to the Pilot. And, Austen! Persuasion is my favorite.
Yes - do post your favorite 10 - whether at your place, Nee's or here! I find it so interesting to see what other people love to read. . . . Anyway, apparently the other aspect of the 'list' was 10 favorite books that 'everyone should read' - a part I had forgotten about when I posted mine. . . .
Austen: yeah, Persuasion is a favorite of mine as well, although I think my alltime favorite is probably Mansfield Park. . . .
Looking forward to seeing the rest of your fav's. . . .
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