I want to be knitting. I want to make this "Scholar's Collar" that I found over at brooklyntweed - a guy knitter!
I "frogged" a vest I started a year ago that was going nowhere and am devising a scholar's collar in a twist-stich brioche (same pattern on both sides like garter stitch which is shown, but I've never liked garter stitch) but in red. It's getting colder and after 5 years in Ireland, I cover my neck whenever the temperature falls below 65 degrees. It's a habit.
Oh - and for those of you who - like me - didn't know what 'frogging' is, I looked it up: yes, it's to rip out an old sweater, but it comes from "rip-it! rip-it!" that sounds like a frog. Here's another one for you: to unknit stiches one by one, working back to a mistake earlier in the row, for example, is to "tink" - "knit" spelled backwards. . . . There you have it!
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