Tuesday, January 22, 2008

money and freedom. . . .

I'm still working this sum out, but after how the stock market opened this morning (plunging some 400 points, whatever that means precisely, although I know it's not considered good) consider this thought by Robert Louis Stevenson:

The price we pay for money is paid in liberty.

-Robert Louis Stevenson, novelist, essayist, and poet (1850-1894)

In some ways, it's definitely true. Being in debt is like being in prison; it's a slavery. We give up our freedom to do other things and go instead to a job, or sit in front of a computer and write, or pack boxes, hammer nails, mind children. . . .

Isn't it ironic that we look to money to give us freedom?

Maybe I need to rethink that. . . .

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