Large training crate? check.
Pooper-scooper equipment? enroute.
Food? on the list (and cheaper email source scoped-out).
Name? Name. . . . Gotta have a name! The book says you should have the name when you get him. This is important!
I don't have a name. . . . I do however, have the internet, and so spent this morning (when I was supposed to be finishing a long-languishing legal writing torture device - ahh - I mean: project) looking up names. From the Gaelic - from a variety of sources - we have Ronan, Mungan ("beloved, amiable"), Luag ("light"), Latharn ("fox"), Laise ("flame"), Lurnan ("iron, one of knowledge"), Dughall ("dark stranger"), Dublin ("black pool"), Cathal ("battle mighty"), Naoghas ("unique choice"), Oisean ("deer"), Osgar ("lover of deer"), Solas ("joy, comfort, solace"), Toag ("poet, philosopher"), Suibhne (pronounced SOOEEnyuh "well-going"), Calum ("dove"), Greer ("watchful"), Tavish ("Beloved" - but Hebrew, apparently?), Brodie - or Brodan ("2nd son"), Acair ("anchor"), Landon ("from the long hill"), Manus ("great"), Luthais ("famous in battle"), Galaway ("of the strong Gauls"), Feargus ("rock" or "man" or "choice"), Ennis ("the only choice"), Eamonn ("rich protector"). . . .
We were also thinking Luther. . . .
I don't know!
I'm really excited about his arrival, though, I can tell you that. I just hope that the cat holds her ground and doesn't go into hiding.
Meanwhile, today is yet another primary, isn't it? Two primaries, in fact, and the people of North Carolina and Indiana get to cast their votes for either Barack or Hillary. Which will it be?
Ah these difficult choices. . . .
Someone once told me that with dog names it's best to choose one that ends in an long "e" sound. I do like the name Brodie. Brodan is pretty nifty, too. And, Calum.
I like Brodie too - but the king isn't real crazy about it. . . . I hadn't heard about ending in a long 'ee' sound - I would have to agree - I did hear that a 2-syllable name was best, and then there's the 'how-does-it-feel-to-be-standing-out-in-public-yelling-the-name' test. [grin]
Unless something else comes up, it's probably going to be Luther - the only one (so far) we both agree on. Even though "Whatever you want to name him will be fine, darling."
grin, again!
I like Osgar :) just gut feeling - no thinking behind :)
oh, his arrival will very exciting :)
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